Noah Basketball

Noah Basketball has developed the only technology that can provide instant feedback about your shooting. From arc to depth, Noah is able to break down your shot and give you the tools you need to improve shooting and increase shooting percentages. You will see improvement in your shooting the moment you start.

Noah User Spotlight: Hope College

The Hope College Men’s and Women’s Basketball programs adopted the Noah Basketball technology last September, prior to their 2019-20 season. Men’s Head Coach Greg Mitchell first heard of Noah years ago at a coaching clinic in Lansing, MI and...

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Do Free Throws Really Win Games?

Free throws are supposed to be the easiest shot in basketball. It’s the highest percentage shot, most teams averaging above 70 percent. It’s an uncontested shot, giving the fouled player a chance to earn the points that were potentially taken from...

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How Data Drives Adds Value to Basketball

There’s no question Noah Basketball’s shot-tracking, data-producing technology improves individual and team shooting statistics. With endorsements made by Tony Bennet, coach of the reigning NCAA Champion, the Virginia Men’s Basketball team, Anthony...

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