Noah Basketball Shooting Workouts and Drills

The last few weeks we have been adding new workouts and shooting drills to our website, blog, and even to our Shooting Drills Manual. Today we have added a new workout to our growing list and would love to share it with you. Below is a video and description of a Sessional Workout that incorporates Noah Basketball Shooting Aids. This workout is designed to improve basketball shooting through the instant verbal feedback of the Noah System. Try this workout with your team and let us know the improvements your players experience.

You can find more shooting drills, workouts, and also download our drills manual by visiting our basketball shooting drills webpage.


Sessional Basketball Workout

Sessional Basketball Workout

  • Really work on 1 – 2 – step shooting. Take 25 shots with each pattern.

  • Start with a simple catch & shoot just to get warmed up

  • Next, Movement Shooting

  • Cut from the free throw line extended to the top of the key (in an arc shape), plant with inside pivot foot, catch, & pull

  • Cut from the free throw line extended to the top of the key, plant with inside pivot foot – hesitate, take one dribble toward the free throw line, then pull

  • Off the dribble

    • Start at half court on the right side. Dribble down, make a move, & pull at the top of the key. Rotate back & forth between the right & left sides using the dribble moves from the “Dribble Moves” drill.

  • Jab- step, pull

  • Pass fake, pull

  • Crossover-pull back dribble, pull

  • Step out-pull back dribble, pull

  • Finish with free throws